Object Oriented Programming | Ini Blog ku - Hacking News
Ini Blog Ku - Hacking News

Jan 20, 2013

Object Oriented Programming

Systems and Computer Organization

Input | - | Output | - | Process |
              | algorithm |

Algorithm: The logical order of decision-making for solving the problem (Munir, 1988)


History of Computing
  • Programming paradigm
  1. Programming Terseruktur
  2. Object-oriented programming

  • In the 1960s:
  1. simple application
  2. do not use a particular motode (creativity)
  3. Done alone (planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing) 
  4. Program complex (many GO TO)
  • The 1970s:
  1. Using a structured design method (Al-Constantie and Ed Yourdon) 
  2. Structured Methods:
           -  Software is organized into fungis basic functions (modular)
           -  avoiding GOTO  
           -  Methods exist only in software, data 
           - Suitable for the development of scientific applications (scientific application) 
           -  Using the tool Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
  • 1980's
  1. An update method structured entity concept model is a collection of data items.
  2. Suitable for business application development because the data is relatively stable
  3. Using a relational database
  4. Using the tool Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
DFD weak in organizing data
ERD weak in organizing the function
  • OOP provides solutions to problems where data exist and function in synchronized object (1990)
  1. Data and function are united in an object 
  2. Progress begins with the concept of abstract data types.
  • Abstract data types:
  1. Developers create a data structure that can be accessed. 
  2. weaknesses: 
         - Data developed by a single programming language is not compatible to other programming languages
  • Structured approach vs OOP:
  1. Structured approach
  2. Procedure-oriented programming
  3. Problems seen as a sequence of things to be done.
  4. Main activities: write a list of commands and then organize them into procedures / functions
    In the multipurpose program, the data is placed globally (a weakness)
  5. Structured approach does not describe the real world
  6. The function was developed based on the action is not the problem
  7. Software produced more dominated by the desire of the user programmer.
  8. Do not support reuse of components (modules not standard)
The main focus on the functions

 Main ---- Fungsi 1 -------> fungsi 3
                 Fungsi 1 -------> fungsi 4
 Main ---- Fungsi 2 -------> fungsi 4
          ---- Fungsi 2 -------> fungsi 5

  • Main characteristics:
  1. Emphasis on something that should be done 
  2. Large programs are broken down into smaller programs (modular) 
  3. Procedures and functions share global data 
  4. Data move freely within the system 
  5. Functions transform data from one form to another 
  6. Top Down Approach

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1 komentar:

  1. Rizka: ya, makasih deh atas referensinya, tapi pbo disini bkan masuk ke aplikasi atau bahasa java, ini khusus buat pembelajaran delphi. dan ane juga dapet dari kampus ane, tapi makasih sebelumnya.
