Bus Ticket Online (high quality) | Ini Blog ku - Hacking News
Ini Blog Ku - Hacking News

Feb 6, 2013

Bus Ticket Online (high quality)

"I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen, was the mother seat already has, please mother moved to seat number 22 and 27," a crew member asked a passenger bus to move to another seat which is then followed by the nagging feeling that passenger comfort disturbed. You must have seen or may never experience the same event when you boarded the bus, especially night bus."

The incident bitter as it would never have happened if the bus operator has implemented an online ticketing technology, adopted a similar concept has been applied by the operator in the mode of aircraft and trains.
Often a manual ticketing system constraints night bus operator when facing the passengers crowded period (peak season).
Moreover, if coordination with agents along the route through which the bus is not good, cases of seats sold double ensured frequent. As a result, the image of the operator falls because passengers felt disappointment.
During this nearly often faced obstacles is the difficulty melakukakan bus passengers booking a return ticket for the route destination. Passengers still have to call to each agent.

quality without interruption, for the purpose apalgi singapore and malaysia,,you want direct message, do not choose it again, looking for a highly qualified and responsible for your safety, and your family, so holidays to be fun.

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